RIGHT TO DIE WITH DIGNITY A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT IN INDIA? It is easy to live but difficult to die. Life is lived on hope … Than why we are studying Living Will and Euthenesia? What is Euthanasia? It’s a the practice (most countries have not legalized) of killing somebody without pain who wants to die because he/she is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured. We will see this in detail hereinafter discussing Supreme Court Judgments. In India euthanasia was not permitted. Though practice of SATI was prevalent in India, A widow would jump in pyre of her husband as in Hindu religion marriage is not contract but a relationship for 7 births. So, marriage ceremony is also called saptapadi. The SATI practice was banned The Bengal Sati Regulation or Regulation XVII, A. D. 1829 of the Bengal Code was a legal act promulgated in British India under East India Company rule, by the then Governor-General Lord William Bentinck. The act made the practice of sati—or the immolation of a Hindu widow on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband—declared illegal in all jurisdictions of British India and subject to legal prosecution by Britishers. Subsequently Raja Rammohan Roy in played remarkable role in transformation in the social ideas in the History of India. Age old ‘Sati system’, i.e., burning of Widow in her dead husband’s funeral pyre which existed in India was abolished due to the effort of Raja Ram Mohan Roy He was the founder of Brahmo samaj and he also played a vital role in the abolition of Polygamy and Child marriage in India. Another practice in India was of Johar. Sati and Johar are not the same. Johar was self-immolation practiced in Rajasthan to save chastity by women from Mughals and attackers. Well, these are not in stricto sensu can be called euthanasia but a living death for dignity of woman which was part of religious practice. The last documented case of sati in India was in the year 2008, when Lalmati Verma, a 75-year-old woman, jumped into her husband’s funeral pyre after mourners had left the cremation site. Here are some other recent cases of sati: 2006 : Vidyawati, a 35-year-old woman, allegedly jumped into her husband’s funeral pyre in Rari-Bujurg Village, Uttar Pradesh 2006 : Janakrani, a 40-year-old woman, burned to death on her husband’s funeral pyre in Sagar district 2002 : Kuttu, a 65-year-old woman, died after sitting on her husband’s funeral pyre in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh 1987 : case of Roop Kanwar, India passed additional legislation against sati was passed namely The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 is a law in India that aims to prevent the practice of sati and the glorification of it: Purpose The act prevents the voluntary or forced burning or burying alive of a widow. It also prohibits actions that glorify sati, such as ceremonies, processions, financial trusts, temples, or other actions that honour the memory of a widow who committed sati. Punishment The act punishes anyone who glorifies sati with imprisonment of at least one year and up to seven years, and a […]
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